The 1st LO is of my middle son,Erlendur
The Maja Design used:
Kings Square-BS

Veteran Ship-BS

Sitting at the dock
The Dusty Attic used:

Geometric Corners

Heart Attack Border #1

Heart Attack Border #2

Heat Attack Border #3

Love This,Love That

mini Script ABC
Here are some closeups of detail:
This next LO,is of my youngest son Tandri,he loves to golf...
Here are some closeups of detail:
For the red used on the chipboard ,I used my wall paint,for the red,plus I applied a coat of clear crackle varnish.
I used LuminArt' (Jasper Red)H20 over the crackle on the chipboard. The red was still a bit to bright,so I toned with wintermist gray H20,once the red had dried. I used this on all the chipboard in these LO's....I also inked the edges of the chipboard using a ink pad..I used distressed brushed pewter stain,paint & crackle on the rest of the chipboard.
This next LO,is of my youngest son Tandri,he loves to golf...
The Dusty Attic used:


Cogs #1
Cogs #2
mini Cogs


mini grid small

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New Releases

mini captions

Foliage #3

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