The Challenge has a amazing prize of a $100 Dusty Attic Gift Voucher to the Dusty Attic Website for the winner. To enter all you need to do, is use the Mood Board for Inspiration, you can interpret it anyway you like. The only requirement is that Dusty Attic chipboard is used in your creation. Once completed simply add your link to the right side of the bar of the Dusty Attic Blog...
The Dusty Attic used:

Creative Script Stencil

Flower Buds #2

Foliage #2

Lace Border #4

Mini Blossoms

Mini Blossoms #2

Barb Wire Frames

Marrakesh Trellis Mini

Fancy Trim #5

Birdcage #5

Mini Bird Cages #1

Flutterbies #3

Mini Script ABC

Dusty in Colour Soot

Dusty in Colour Clear Crackle Varnish
I used, Riddersholm Barn Market Collection
My first step on the chipboard, was to paint it with the DA Soot paint, as shown in the above photo....
Once the paint dried, I applied the clear crackle varnish...
Once the crackle dried I painted the chipboard with the LuminArt & Shimmeriz paints...
Here are some close ups....
Shows paper layers, using black lace in the layers....
I dipped the mini blossoms in water, & separated the chipboard layers, then painted them with LuminArt paints, glued a couple of the layers together, then added the micro beads for the flower centers....