The Dusty Attic used:

Ornate Gates Small (DA0189)

Hanging sign w/post (DA0197)

flower buds (DA0849)

mini vine 20pk (DA0370)

wildflower#2 (DA1102)

Baroque Corners (DA0543)

Teeny Tiny ABC set (DA0983)

Mini ABC upper (DA0861)

Mini Number set (DA0863)

Dusty in Colour Forrest (DA0919)

Dusty in Colour Sugar Plum (DA0908)
Here are some closeups of detail.......
Here are some closeups of detail.......
I used DA forrest paint, for the green, used on the chipboard. On the flower of the vine, I stained it with plum alcohol ink,then applied a coat of rock candy crackle. Once the crackle dried, I dry painted on DA sugar plum paint,to bring out the cracks & tone down the color....Most of the flowers are from IamRoses
I used black gold TA glimmer mist on the Alpha,numbers,gate & hanging post....
Shows some stamp & stencil work....
The stencil used is TCW,confetti,I used Viva modelling cream,champagne. When the cream dried I rubbed in some plum pebbles chalk....
Thank you for taking the time to look....Rachelle